Saturday, March 1, 2008

One Year!

cellophane 66 reaches its one year anniversary today! Thank you to all seven of my loyal readers.
Goal for 2008: increase viewership to double digits!

Breaking News. Just received an e-mail from one of my readers informing me that he will now be reading and commenting on a new website called World Of (he is making it his homepage) Ouch. I take this as a slap in the face on my site's one year anniversary, but I shall forge ahead.
Some of his critiques:

My posting of:
Notable quotes that are supposed to be profound, but in reality, are easily forgotten.
Short films that don't make any sense.
Links to crap for sale on Craig's List that nobody is interested in buying.
Artsy photos taken by weirdos.
News about clowns that scares people.
My pro Obama leanings.
Music videos of bands from countries that aren't on any maps.

And the absence of:
News about Britney.
Anything American Idol.
Photos of kittens.
Cool links about XBox games.
Videos of dumbs**ts lighting themelves on fire.

I will be passing these comments on to my reader feedback department where, after careful analysis (and further focus group input), new and incredible features will be added to cellophane 66. Looking forward to another wonderful year!