Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Medical Supply Shops Make Me Sad

Sometimes when I'm walking, I see something that takes my mind someplace else. Like when I see a medical supply shop. The objects displayed in the shop's window conjure up thoughts of the sick, the frail, and the infirm - and I am suddenly consumed with sadness for the people these items are meant to help. This item is always particularly discouraging:

The fact that there are folks out there that can't move far enough away from where they are to take care of their personal requirements just brings me down. At least this particular model has a little built-in shelf to help pass the time - I imagine that's a place to set down your martini or keep a bowl of pretzels.

For some reason it reminds me of my friend, Bob:

He doesn't have a colon.

Another aspect of these items that distresses me is so many of them seem downright medieval, as if no progress has been made in the scientific area of medicine these devices are at the service of.
I'm not sure what this is meant to cure, but I think Mozart made his wife wear one so other men couldn't have sex with her.

And how can you not feel sorry for this guy:

I don't know if this is for someone with an injured leg or no leg at all:

Whoever he is, he needs new shoes.
But then I realize that all these products are made to help people - to ease their pain and make them more comfortable so their lives can be better. That's a good thing, and I think maybe it's not all that bad.
As I move away from the shop and continue down the street, I start to feel better. A sense of comfort comes over me. Then I see this:

And I get sad again.