Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death
Tim Meinhart sums up the global warming question:
If the recent outrage over Al Gore’s Oscar and the resulting outrage at the outrage over Al Gore’s Oscar has underscored one thing, it is our society’s unwavering commitment to outrage.
This is fortunate because as we all know serious problems are best solved by catastrophising. A state of utter panic is necessary if we are to accomplish anything as a species.
Clearly, our environment is changing. And while we are all aware that our climate has not remained perfectly static for the last few billion years, the news that it is not presently static should send us into hysterics. Any other set of emotions would be highly inappropriate.
On the other side of the coin, it is important that we be completely fear stricken by the thought of the horrid mess our lives will become if we are to make any effort at controlling the befouling of our own planet. Talk about inconvenient. Lefties yammer on about famine, but I’d like to see them try and order take-out in a world without combustion engines!
Anyhow, I’m glad to see that mankind, whether liberal or conservative, will tackle this problem with all of the common sense we’ve exercised in the past!